My children, my children, there are many things hidden in plain sight and in the appointed time I will reveal them to you, for you cannot bear them before the appointed time. But now is the time and I am opening the eyes and I am bringing clarity to those hidden things. For just as the four seasons are needed upon the earth so it is with my word that will go forth and will produce a harvest in my appointed time. There is no boundary of time in my kingdom therefore you will even bare fruit in winter if you abide in me. See, spring is coming and now is upon you that every dream and every seed that was planted in your hearts, from the beginning, will begin to sprout into the things I have prepared and they will flourish. I am preparing my people. (M.F.)

You may have taken a cooking class from me at my home, at Whole Foods or you may have taken an essential oil workshop with me. I hope you'll allow me to come into your mail to share exciting news and some fun discoveries. I will not sell your information or bombard you with emails, promise.
I look forward to sharing my dreams and plans to come back and teach from this platform- I have so much excitement bubbling up within me, I can't wait to share it all with you!
I'm creating a new space for inspiration. I have a new shop for you to purchase Excellent food supplements; Doctors Research Food Supplements. These are the supplements my family uses and have had great success with them. They're made from 'Real Food' - this video by Dr. Thiel of Doctors Research explains the difference between food supplements and USP supplements.
Some of my posts will be on health and wellness, some on high quality essential oils, how to use them, when to use them and why. And of course I'll post recipes and plenty of videos with special guests where we will teach you specifics on living a natural and abundant life. I will also be writing on how to make your own herbal concotions and more - we want to emphasize that you can be in control of what you ingest and how to care for your body so you can be the master of your health.
Dear Friend - I'd like to catch you up with what we have been doing during this season. I hope you'll enjoy this new post.

In 2016 we were gifted with our little angel, grandson Amico. Two years later we received our second angel, grandson Harlan. We're constantly reminded that children are truly a Gift from God.

In 2016 I was hired as a flight attendant with a commuter airline while I continued with my health coaching business.

In 2019 we lost my mom. Her beautiful soul lives on. Alongside losing her we had a serious illness with one of my adult children. Our hearts have been sore and bruised. Because of this we have chosen to back off a lot of things so we can establish ourselves in a place of peace and joy.
Although my circle of friends has decreased, (due to what is happening around the world), my 'Creator' and 'Father' has held me during these distressing times. One thing I do more than ever is read my bible and meditate each day.

Sanibel Island, FL.
In the summer of 2019 we were blessed by an offer to stay at a home in Sanibel Island, FL. We visited the South-East; Tennessee, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina and North Carlina. We totally enjoyed the chameleon like weather and the clouds. I had no idea what 'raining cats and dogs' meant until we got caught in a South-East rain storm!

Smokey Mountains, Ashville North Carolina
Ashville is a small Portland-'ish' town. We like going to the outskirts for our overnight stays. This was definitly 'hillbilly' country!

Boone Plantation, Charleston
The House in The Notebook, book by Nicholas Sparks

Old Charleston Jail Ghost Tour

5 Church Street - an old church renovated into a restaurant.

Secret gardens & alleys woven beween Charleston streets

An old ferrier building building still is housing horse and carriage
As we arrived in Charleston - we savored the streets and all manor of life in the Historical section of town. We took to the cobbled streets and ventured into alley ways that divided the homes and buildings. We took a ghost tour of Old Charleson Jail, had dinner at 5Church House and toured Boone Plantation.

Our hearts are always happiest when we are close to nature
The photo below caught me by surprise, in a good way - as I stood at the top of this hill on the last three days of our 2020 trip I got an impression from God saying, 'This is for you'!
I was so taken by this impression - I asked, ' what does this mean'?

There have been so many signs moving us toward this direction but the most inspiring one was when I told my husband about my impression. At first he was silent, five minutes later he was contacting the real estate office. Those of you that know my husband know he's a tortoise, slow and steady but always, always gets the job done; he's practical and calculated. He is an amazing man and surprises me with his depth of soul and his caring.
The next three days we spent working out a plan. We haven't stopped since. It's been wonderful and all consuming.
We will be going from beaches, mountains and deserts - to lakes and mountains. We are moving away from our adult children and closer to our other family members. I believe that God is guiding our lives.
I will be posting on this blog about our life in another state as well as health and wellness tips.
Save my email address to your contacts if you wish to receive timely discounts for supplements and to receive my blog posts.

East Tennessee
The weather will be hot and humid in summer and colder than California winters. We are blessed to be able to live in a beautiful part of the country and look forwatd to enjoying hikes, biking, and doing things that we couldn't do in a busy city environment.
Our Dream Home, God willing, will be finished in early 2022 - for now we actively await and make our plans, (as God orders our steps).
I would love to hear from you all - I welcome all your comments.
I offer coaching services on a limited schedule. You may e-mail me for an appointment or to get information on supplements.
Please go to my website to sign up for my newsletter so you can stay in touch with my specials on Food Supplements, Essential Oils and other products.
Thank you for allowing me to catch up with you!
I am praying your days are filled with beauty captured in your heart, joy and peace to fill your day and a healthy life to propel you to do to be productive and in love with your life.
With much gratitude,
Maria Ricci