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Quarantine Brussel Sprouts


May 7, 2020

Whenever I'm hungry I improvise and use whatever my senses are asking me to cook - tonight they were asking me for Brussels sprouts with ham and I do say they came out dee - licious- I had a large bag of brussel sprouts that 'needed' to be used. I wanted to use bacon or prosciutto but only had this ham.

Here’s what I used:

Bag of organic sprouts from costco- (we roasted the whole bag)!
1/2- 1 onion
Avocado oil, sprinkled
Rosemary deli ham, Trader Joe’s
Pepper flakes
Salt and pepper

3/4 cup cream
3-4 tablespoons mustard, I used dijon mustard

* use this sauce for drizzling on sprouts when done roasting

  • Wash sprouts, cut off ends. Quarter sprouts - transfer to a bowl with sliced onion.
  • Pour avocado oil over sprouts and mix with hands.
  • Pour onto cookie sheet add diced ham, pepper and salt and pepper. Mix again.
  • Put in 400* heated oven and watch these puppies- don’t walk away from the oven!!
  • Every 10 minutes turn using tongs- do this until the leaves start turning brown.
  • While sprouts roast, in small sauce pan add cream and mustard and a dash of salt, heat through.
  • Take out and drizzle cream sauce over sprouts - so good!!
